Welcome to my second analog 3D printable project. Some might remember the 6x17 printable camera. Well this time around I'm back with a different project. A 3D printable Hasselblad Instax mini back for the V-System (200 series, 2000 series, 500 series, SW, Flexbody) called Hasselstax! 
I wanted a Instax back for my Hasselblad 500C for a long time but every one was expensive and/or needed a spacer for the focusing screen. My back is one where you don't need a spacer and only a 3D printer and a few pieces of hardware...   
The first version won't have a dark slide but I'm working on that. Also it's missing a frame counter. I tried using the gear on the rear of the Hasselblad but I couldn't get the gears to turn the right amount and fit in the housing...   
To suit the mechanical nature of a Hasselblad this back is fully manual. You don't need batteries. You just turn the knob a few times. 
I tried sticking to the original film back design as possible and not make it bulkier than it has to be.   
I'll send the files to my 3D printing guy soon and hope everything works as intended...  
